Well, COVID-19 has pretty well turned our lives upside down, hasn’t it?! I’m absolutely amazed at how much has changed over the last week or so. I see the panic spreading across our nation, and I hear how small business owners are fearful for what lies ahead. Truth be told, I’m worried about the repercussions on our global economy. I feel as though this virus’ path of destruction is so much wider than our physical health. But I also believe that God is in control, and that this pandemic did not take Him by surprise. And while we wait, there are a few things you can do while business is slow to make sure it runs even more efficiently when this ordeal passes.

Update Your Website
Now is the prime time to comb through your website and update any information about your business that has changed, whether it be new products or services, new pricing, whatever. Look through each page and see if there’s any content that needs to be updated or freshened up.
Create a Lead Magnet
Do you have a freebie offer that helps drive prospective clients to your email list? If not, now is the perfect time to create one! I love using Canva for Work for creating lead magnets. You could create something simple, like a checklist or resource list, or something more complex like an e-book. The possibilities are endless!
Plan Social Media Posts
Now is a great time for planning out social media posts for the weeks or months ahead. Use a social scheduler (like Buffer or Hootsuite) to create and schedule content to go out automatically. My personal new favorite scheduler is RecurPost, which is perfect for the business who creates evergreen (always applicable) content. You create content in a library, and RecurPost pulls from your libraries and posts to your accounts on a schedule you create. I’m not an affiliate, just a fan, and this is definitely a great tool to check out.

Create Marketing Materials
Whether you are creating things to print or share online, Canva for Work is gonna be your best friend. There is a free version, but the paid version ~ $12 a month, has a lot more features, and it’s worth every penny. From banners to stationary to every type of social media posts, Canva has it all. Again, not an affiliate, just a fan.
Invest in some Education
Another great idea while business is slow is to invest in some education! Take an online course that’s specific to your field, read a book, or listen to a podcast. I’m a big believer in being a lifelong learner, and now’s a great opportunity to learn something new that could take your biz to the next level when normalcy comes around again.
Self Care
Self care is SO important right now. Make sure you are doing everything you can to stay physically healthy. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and take your vitamins. Practice social distancing. But also, take time to nourish your soul. Spend some quiet time with your Bible. Bake cookies and play board games with your family. Go for a walk, hike, or bike ride. And take a few minutes for yourself everyday to do something for you. Read for fun, pick up a hobby – something just for you.
Get Your Branding Nailed Down
This really should be the first item on this list instead of the last, because if you don’t have a cohesive brand and a clear message, you don’t have a real plan for updating your website and planning social media posts and creating marketing materials.
Last year I created a Facebook group called The Brand Story Brigade, but never really got it off the ground. So in an effort to serve you better, I’m launching the group and sharing how to use story branding in your business, brand design tips, and more. I’d love it if you hopped on over to join the group here!
That’s it friends. My seven ideas to keep you busy while your business is slow. Do you have any other ideas? I’d love to hear them in the comments! Until next time, stay healthy, stay sane, but most of all:
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